This blog is written considering people who have elementary knowledge on personal finance but enthusiastic about starting fresh towards the rewarding journey of investment. They should try to follow below simple steps to begin with, 1. First analyze your income and expenses thoroughly, not only your big-ticket expenses like EMI, but even minute details like laundry expenses which will give you realistic picture how well are you managing your income and expenditure. 2. Create an emergency fund which should be no less than 3 months’ of your monthly income. This will act as a primary cushion for unemployment or unavoidable circumstances. 3. Buy Family floater plan for you and your dependents even if you have an insurance from your company. This will be very helpful when you are out of job or even for b...
How I Passed AWS Certified Architect - Associate Exam (2022) Ahirjoy Biswas (PMP, PMI-ACP, TOGAF 9.1) I passed my exam on 30 th May’22 in my first attempt. I am sharing my learning experiences here with you and will be really very happy if my experience helps someone else to crack the examination. Core Concepts: i. Books - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide, Associate (SAA-C02) by Ben Piper and David Clinton This is an excellent book which covers all Core Concepts in detail. Please go through the entire content at least twice. Very good for ready reference and revision. Considering the lazy person I am, I always prefer to read real books and take notes than carrying Kindle or laptop. ii. Course - ...
Please DO NOT spend lakhs on online FANG bootcamps or certifications from known/unknown universities! There are high quality courses available for all technical domains under Rs. 500/-. I am listing few Udemy courses for web developers and system designers. I prefer such courses than YouTube videos due to their structured content. Udemy offers discount on its courses almost every week when you can buy these courses. You can thank me later. :-) For Web Developers ----------------------- 1. The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp by Dr Angela Yu 2. The Complete Web Developer in 2023 : Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie For System Designers ------------------------ 1. System Design Interview Guide for Software Architecture by Sandeep Kaul 2. Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane
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